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Plan of Old Rafalovka, c. 1941
Numbered Locations On Plan
List of Jewish Households
1. Yaacov Murik
2. Channah Jarczun
3. Chaim Portnoi
4. Pese Kushnir
5. Breindl Leizerov
6. Leizer Goldberg
7. Benjamin Israel Reznik
8. Fruma Yadushlivi
8A. Mordechai Deckelboim
9. Izik Schwartzblat
10. The Reverend
11. David (Firebrand)
12. Abram Goose
12A. Hersh Brick Shmulik
13. Moshe Chaim
14. Motel Mudrick
15. Moshe Appelbaum
16. Steinberg
17. Liba Kushnir
18. Hershel Gluz
19. Chaim Deckleboim
20. Moshe Bindes
21. Zelig Shirman
22. Leizer Vowa
23. Rabbi Pasmanik
24. Itzik Kritzer
25. Jaacov Rabin
26. Leibel Shterk
28. Yentl Kushnir
29. Nehem Schwartzblat
29A. Pinhas Hagin
30. Zelig Miniuk
31. J. Kushnir
31A. Moshe (Kolodiy)
32. Chaim Gruber
32A. Yaacov Berl
32B. Goldbiter Fam
33. Yichiel Melamed
34. Hershel Rabin
35. Itzik Sherman
36. Yosef Vowa
36A. Abram Deckelboim
37. Reznick
38. Frida
39. Yona Rosenfeld
40. Yaacov Bass
41. Mendel Kushnir
42. Yaacov Weisman
43. Pinie Primak
44. Shmulik (Taylor)
45. Moshe Kushnir
46. Yidel Kurland
47. Menach Schwartzblat
48. Shlomo Kushnir
49. Moshe Mudrick
50. Basia Rach Merin
50A. Peretz Dov
51. Shmuel Mudrick
52. (seamstress)
53. Zalman (Shochet)
54. Motel Kazan
55. Nisel Goldman
56. Schwartzblat (Rodka)
57. Yoshua Brick
58. Yidel Brick
59. Chaja Smukler
60. Yosef Bick
60A. Yoshua Deckelboim
61. Birenbaum
62. Motel Lin
63. Yaacov Shneider
64. Alter Shneider
65. Abram Rosman
66. Zerach Gluz
66A. Leibl (Beadle)
67. Ben-Zion Smolar
Selected Ukrainian Households And Other Structures
A.Synagogue Liubisheier
B.Synagogue Stepanier
101. River Ferry
102. Flour Mill
103. Blacksmith
104. Palamarchuk Residence
105. Smolina Mill
106. Blacksmith
107. Barley Mill
108. Blacksmith
109. Canola Oil Mill
110. Post Office
111. Hebrew School
112. Communal Bath, Sauna, Mikvah
113. Fire Station, Club
114. Orthodox Church
115. Ziupka Res.
116. Nesterov Res.
117. Sidurchik Res.
118. Blacksmith
119. Public School
119A. Public School
120. Tkatch Res.
121. Zibulski Res.