[Aug 1897 - May 1906]   [June 1906 - Jan 1910]   [Feb 1910 - Sept 1913]   [Oct 1913 - May 1926

P61 Ginda Dekelboym
Family #: F1
Arrived: 1913/10/09
Traveling With:
Itzok, male age 4
Scharie, male age 2
Age: 27
Born About: 1886
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: housewife
Birthplace: Rafalovka
Last Residence: Rafalovka
Nearest Relative: brother Sam Dekelboym in Rafalovka
Port: New York
Ship Information:
Destination in America:
Husband L. Desgun, 272 1 Street, New Brighton, NY
P62 Josel Deckelbaum
Family #: F5
Arrived: 1913/11/22
Traveling With:
Riwka, wife age 47
Jachna, daughter age 17
Jankel, son age 11
Age: 48
Born About: 1865
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Butcher
Birthplace: Rafalovka
Last Residence: Rafalowka, Russia
Nearest Relative: Brother - M. Deckelbaum, Rafalowka, Wol, Russia
Port: Baltimore
Ship Information: RHEIN, sailed from Bremen on November 6, 1913
Destination in America: Baltimore: son S. Deckelbaum, 104 S. Aunt Street
P63 Chaje Deckelbaum
Family #: F14
Arrived: 1913/12/06
Traveling With:
Natule, male age 11
Schindel, female age 8
Blunie, female age 6
Age: 40
Born About: 1873
Marital Status: Married
Birthplace: Oschwaliwki
Last Residence: Oschwaliwki
Nearest Relative: Mother Ruche Kogut
Port: Philadelphia
Ship Information: GRAF WALDERSEE, sailed from Hamburg on November 20, 1913
Destination in America: Husband Leib Deckelbaum, 690 1st Street in Portland, OR
P64 Abram Deckelbaum
Family #: F1
Arrived: 1913/12/17
Age: 20
Born About: 1893
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Tailor
Birthplace: Rafalowka
Last Residence: Rafalowka
Nearest Relative: Father Leiser Deckelbaum, Rafalovka, Wolyn
Port: New York
Ship Information: SS BREMEN, sailed from Bremen on December 6, 1913
Destination in America: Cousin Leiser Deckelbaum, 209 York, Jersey City, NY
P65 Richel Deckelbaum
Family #: F11
Arrived: 1913/12/20
Age: 18
Born About: 1895
Marital Status: Single?
Occupation: Milliner
Birthplace: Slochowka
Last Residence: Slochowka
Nearest Relative: Mother ester Deckelbaum in Slochowka
Port: Boston
Ship Information: SS PISA, sailed from Hamburg on December 4, 1913
Destination in America: Brother-in-law Zabel Burko, 133 Brighton in Boston
P66 Ester D. Sussel
Family #: F2
Arrived: 1913/12/20
Traveling With:
Lehije, male age 5
Idel Ber, male age 3
Age: 26
Born About: 1886
Marital Status: Married
Birthplace: Russia, Achnl
Last Residence: Aschwalawka
Nearest Relative: Father Oschel Gebelbimn in Ashwalawka, Wolyn, Russia
Port: Baltimore
Ship Information: MAIN, sailed from Bremen on December 4, 1913
Destination in America: Husband Isaac Susel, 834 E Pratt Street in Baltimore
P67 Nusem Dekelhoum
Family #: F13
Arrived: 1914/02/17
Age: 22
Born About: 1892
Marital Status: Single
Birthplace: Berdowotsky?, Russia
Last Residence: Buenos Aires
Nearest Relative: none
Port: New York
Ship Information: SS BYRON, sailed from Buenos Aires, Argentina on January 22,1914
Destination in America: Relative Joseph Katz, 3524 S. Halsted Street in Chicago
P68 Basie Deckelboim
Family #: F7
Arrived: 1914/05/12
Age: 18
Born About: 1896
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Fact. Lab
Birthplace: Rafaluwke
Last Residence: Rafaluwke
Nearest Relative: Father Avrum Deckelbaum, Rafaluwke, Wolin
Port: New York
Ship Information: SS RIJNDAM, sailed from Rotterdam on May 2, 1914
Destination in America: Brother Berl Deckelbaum, 81 Momor Street in NY
P69 Jenta Dekelbaum
Family #: F13
Arrived: 1914/06/06
Age: 17
Born About: 1897
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Millner
Birthplace: Trochenbront
Last Residence: Trochenbront, Russia
Nearest Relative: Mother Dekelbaum in Trochenbront gov. Volynos
Port: St. Albans, VT
Ship Information: SS KURAK, arrived Port of Halifax, June 6, 1914
Destination in America: Brother Aron Dekelbaum, 3547 So. Holsted Street, Chicago
P70 Enta Dekelbain
Family #: F13
Arrived: 1920/07/05
Traveling With:
Isa, female age 16
Danke, male age 14
Age: 18
Born About: 1902
Marital Status: Single
Birthplace: Luck, Poland
Last Residence: Luck, Poland
Nearest Relative: Uncle Mr. Witter in Luck
Port: New York
Ship Information: SS PHILADELPHIA, sailed from Southampton on June 26, 1920
Destination in America: Father, Mr. Decker at 3549 S. Halsted in Chicago
P71 Pania Dekielbaum
Family #:
Arrived: 1920/09/11
Age: 19
Born About: 1901
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Domestic
Birthplace: Pinsk
Last Residence: Pinsk, Poland
Nearest Relative: Father Aron Dekielbaum in Pinsk
Port: New York
Ship Information: SS KROONLAND, sailed from Antwerp on September 1, 1920
Destination in America: Cousin Jacob Cohen, 620 E. 5th Street, NY
P72 Guiti Dekelbone
Family #: F6
Arrived: 1920/09/17
Traveling With:
Yosefes, male age 7
Feijer, female age 15
Age: 38
Born About: 1882
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: House-K
Birthplace: Ruchwaslewka
Last Residence: Dubno, Poland
Nearest Relative: Brother Esther Weisman, Luck, Wolin at Dubno, Poland
Port: New York
Ship Information: SS ROCHAMBEAU, sailed from Le Havre on September 8, 1920
Destination in America: Husband Deckelbaum, 1101 E Pratt Street in Baltimore
P73 Icek Meir DeKelbaum
Family #: F1
Arrived: 1920/09/17
Traveling With:
Jeharja, male age 16
Leiser, male age 14
Chain, male age 12
Rachmil, male age 10
Naphtol, male age 8
Age: 18
Born About: 1902
Marital Status: Single
Birthplace: Rafalovka
Last Residence: Poliesk
Nearest Relative: Acquaintance Abraham Merlamedik in Manewitschi.
Port: New York
Ship Information: SS SUSQUEHANN, sailed from Bremen on September 4, 1920
Destination in America: Father Gedali, 912 E. Pratt Street in Baltimore
P74 Basia De Kelbaum
Family #: F1
Arrived: 1920/11/02
Traveling With:
Chaia Rochel, female age 6
Age: 40
Born About: 1880
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Housewife
Birthplace: Galosie, Russia
Last Residence: Poliesk, Poland
Nearest Relative: Acquaintance Abraham Merlamedik in Manewitschi, GT, Kowel
Port: New York
Ship Information: SS SUSQUEHANNA, sailed from Bremen on October 21, 1920
Destination in America: Husband Gedali Dekelbaum, 912 E. Pratt Street in Baltimore
P75 Anzam Deckelbaum
Family #: F7
Arrived: 1921/05/03
Traveling With:
Nojina, wife age 40
Benjamin, male age 22
Leija, female age 19
Age: 45
Born About: 1876
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Clerk
Birthplace: Rafalovka
Last Residence: Rofalowka
Nearest Relative: Brother Pinsches Deckelbaum, Birerno K. Rowno
Port: New York
Ship Information: SS MOUNT CLAY, sailed from Hamburg on April 21, 1921
Destination in America: Brooklyn: son Benjamin Deckelbaum, 156/54 S 3rd Streeet, c/o Keneker
P76 Bejemin Dekelbaum
Family #:
Arrived: 1922/09/13
Age: 61
Born About: 1861
Marital Status: Widow
Occupation: Merchant
Birthplace: Lubeszow, Poland
Last Residence: Zahinka, Poland
Nearest Relative: Son Pejach Dekelbaum, Zahinka "pow." (district of?) Kobryn, Poland
Port: New York
Ship Information: SS POLONIA, sailed from Danzig on September 1, 1922
Destination in America: Son Abram Deckelbaum, 189 Snedicke Ave. in Brooklyn
P77 Zalman Dekelboim
Family #: F19
Arrived: 1922/11/22
Age: 16
Born About: 1906
Marital Status:
Birthplace: Poland
Last Residence:
Nearest Relative:
Port: Tampa
Ship Information: SS CUBA
Destination in America:
P78 Sora Dekelbaum
Family #: F18
Arrived: 1922/12/03
Traveling With:
Judel, male age 9
Rochla, female age 7
Jenta, female age 6
Welve Polkotycki, 57
Ita Polkotycki, 52
Age: 32
Born About: 1890
Marital Status: Widow
Occupation: H'work
Birthplace: Polkotycze, Pinsk Reg.
Last Residence: Polkotycze, Pinsk Reg
Nearest Relative: Brother Ela Polkotycki in Pinsk
Comment: Welve and Ita are Sora’s parents.
Port: New York
Ship Information: SS LAPLAND, sailed from Antwerp on November 23, 1922
Destination in America: Brother Louis Bregeman, 88 Husbruck Ave in Kingston, NY
P79 Lejzor Dekelbojm
Family #: F19
Arrived: 1923/01/08
Traveling With:
Szejna, female age 12
Age: 18
Born About: 1905
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: student
Birthplace: Wlodzimierzec
Last Residence: Wlodzimierzec, Pinsk Region
Nearest Relative: Aunt Brocha Justem in Wlodzimierzec.
Port: New York
Ship Information: SS LAPLAND, sailed from Antwerp on December 29, 1922
Destination in America: Uncle Morris Burks, 2102 Division Street in South Bend, Indiana
P80 Jozef Dekelbojm
Family #: F13
Arrived: 1923/10/25
Age: 16
Born About: 1907
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Tailor
Birthplace: Zofiowka
Last Residence: Zofjowka, Poland
Nearest Relative: Sister Lehka Rotaz in Zofijowka
Port: New York
Ship Information: SS MINNEKAHDA, sailed from Antwerp on October 16, 1923
Destination in America: Brother Aaron Dekelbojm, 334 Grenshav Ave (or 1833 s Spalding) in Chicago
P81 Estera Dekelbojm
Family #: F11
Arrived: 1926/05/07
Age: 56
Born About: 1870
Marital Status: Widow
Occupation: Domestic
Birthplace: Rafalovka, Poland
Last Residence: Wladzimierzec, Poland
Nearest Relative: Cousin Boruch Gruszko in Wladzimierzec, Sarny
Port: New York
Ship Information: SS GEORGE WASHINGTON, sailed from Southampton on April 29, 1926
Destination in America: Daughter Bejla Burke (and son-in-law Chaim Burke), 50 Chester Ave. in Chelsea, Massachusetts